WildernessResort – the environmentally friendly and social responsible vision

WildernessResort – the environmentally friendly and social responsible vision

The appraisal of the situation by John Muir, the legendary founder of the Sierra Club, back in 1894 (cf. “Maxim“), has lost nothing of its topicality; quite the opposite applies, in fact! Storyliner leisure and entertainment has been pursuing the development of WildernessResort on its own initiative and responsibility. It is a completely new type of destination resort in the luxury category – limited for the time being to the wilderness areas in Eastern and Southeast Europe, to be exact to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The concept of WildernessResort, comprising a 400 km˛ nature reserve and the first environmentally friendly and social responsible destination resort in the luxury category of Eastern Europe, will offer its guests a true wilderness experience and will act as the spokesman for those dying natural resources which are severely threatened by clearing (for wood and paper) and by dams (for water and energy).
In contrast to lodge concessionaires, who are primarily concerned with the best possible use of the resources in a national park, with Wilderness Resort it is the rule that the actual creation of this nature reserve is the top priority.

That may seem unusual but in the rural districts of Eastern and Southeast Europe, which have been subjected to major changes, it is probably the only possibility, when the worldwide demand for raw materials such as wood, paper, water or energy reaches the remotest areas.

In the competition for these resources, WildernessResort offers an enduring alternative solution to combat these very powerful but short-sighted interests. Instead, WildernessResort is revealing the value of the experience of African safaris, of North American fishing and hunting lodges or of all the new-style adventure hotels in Chile and Argentina.