Local delicacies

Local delicacies

Bosnia and Herzegovina is in a high position for the booming organic food market. No chemicals or artificial fertilizers are in use and after ten years of lying fallow, local crops are genuinely organic. In addition to this a rich culinary heritage with a remarkable diversity of local delicacies is waiting to be discovered.
In a delicious and easy way everybody is able to make a contribution towards the healing process in Bosnia and Herzegovina by buying Bosnian products. This offers new incomes to people from the rural areas. Look out for Bosnian products specifically at your next purchase. Ask your grocer, your caterer. Ask in your canteen, in your hotel,…or order directly from the communities and bottlers stated below:

Mineral water from Bosnia and Herzegovina

The outstanding quality of mineral water from Bosnia and Herzegovina, only known by insiders yet, causes an increasing sensation throughout the world. At the last „Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting Awards“ in West Virginia (2007) in the category “Carbonated Bottled Water” mineral waters from Bosnia and Herzegovina achieved four of the five first places! This most important international contest is taking place every year. Stated below are these Brands of Bosnian mineral water, which achieved one of the first five places since 2000.

For more detailed information about this contest visit:


"Oaza Tesanj", Tesanj

"Esparanza", Tesanj

"Tesanjski Dijamant", Tesanj

"Celvic", Tesanj

"Bosnia & Vranica", Gornji Vakuf

"Kiseljak Princess", Tesanj

"Hana Sparkling", Tesanj

"Tesanjski Kiseljak", Tesanj

"Oaza-Mapex", Tesanj