WildernessResort generates sales and profits in the conventional way, just like other destination resorts (overnight packages, additional reservable package deals, catering and retail sales). The basic package contained in the room rate ensures wide access to the wide variety of leisure facilities and sparks curiosity concerning other contents.
To a limited extent, the resort will gain sponsors from the outdoor activities industry as partners, who can present their products for the first time to a wealthy target group in an atmosphere of credibility.
WildernessResort Bosnia and Herzegovina will employ around 286 people and reach an occupancy rate of 75% in its fifth year of operation.
Even if we see as desirable a long-term commitment, a mid-term exit strategy after the fifth year of employment is also conceivable.
The capital for the hotel resort amounts to a total of around 37,6 million euros in the first three years up to the profit phase.
The development of the national park at modern and international standards will require a total of around 11 million euros.